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  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    This article originally published Aug. 24, 2017. What you post online and how you use social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can say a lot about you. In fact, a number of studies have revealed social media's connection to a person's mental health, well-being, intellectual capacity...
    Design was once defined as ‘Intelligence Made Visible’. Good design raises visibility, helping your communication stand out as well win the audience’s love and trust. A great design suited to the brand does volumes to speak of the company and its offerings’ quality and positioning. The following...
    With more than 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is the second important digital marketing tool after Facebook. So, numerous influencers are trying to gain followers on it and consequently making money by selling their pages or getting advertisements. In this competition, many influencers...
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